Whispers and Lies by Joy Fielding

Here is some fun summer reading for you! This week I got a new customer who was reading this book called "Whispers and Lies" by Joy Fielding. This is a New York Times bestseller, a fiction thriller, and in it, the main character has a collection of head vases that she inherited from her mother. As my customer was reading this, she became interested in collecting lady head vases and that is how she found me!

Here is an excerpt from the first chapter of the book!

" "Oh , would you just look at these," she exclaimed with obvious delight, gliding toward the rows of shelves that lined the wall beside the small breakfast nook, her arms extended, fingers fluttering eagerly in the air. "What are these? Where did you get them?"
My eyes quickly scanned the sixty-five china heads that gazed at us from five rows of wooden shelves. "They're called 'ladies' head vases,'" I explained. "My mother used to collect them. They're from the fifties, mostly made in Japan. They have holes in the tops of their heads, for flowers, I guess, although they don't hold a lot. When they first came out, they were worth maybe a couple of dollars."
"And now?"
"Apparently they're quite valuable. Collectibles, I believe, is the word they use."
"And what word would you use?" She waited eagerly, a mischievous smile twisting her full lips this way and that.

I didn't have to think very hard. "Junk," I said concisely. "

End of paragraph. The story continues!! If you are interested to read it, I found it in our local Borders Book store. Maybe you are already familiar with this author. She has lots of other best seller novels. I don't know how much more they talk about the head vases in the story, I haven't gone beyond chapter two yet.

Happy Reading!

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