
HFH #20!

HFH #20 My Birthday present from Mary:

Miss HFH 2001 She takes the prize for the HFH of the year. Mary and I had such a good laugh over HFH #17 - was I ever surprised to find her at my doorstep on my birthday. Thanks Mary! LOL! Trouble is, she arrived in a million pieces. I got out my Hot Glue Gun and patched her back together as best I could. Her head ended up a little twisted and she had several big gaps in the back of her head. What do you think? Isn't she lovely?!!! Mary's son gave her the facial makeover. She sits in my kitchen and you can be sure she gets noticed by company. "What the he!! is that?!"......... LOL."

Closing Remarks: She'll make a unique addition to your collection! Looks great on a shelf................ Enjoy this little poem below that Mary wrote!

"The Head From Hell" by Mary Thomas
This Head from Hell in one piece was shipped,
went from California to Texas on a really big trip.
She got tossed around
and thoroughly trashed...
She arrived at Chrissy's totally smashed.

Now Mary was sad, the mail she had trusted
Her gift to Chrissy was completely busted!
But Chrissy told Mary, have no fear,
I've got a hot glue gun I keep very near.

She went straight to work on that broken head vase
She stayed up all night, fixing it's face.
She worked and she glued, and now you can tell
That this head is truly the best HEAD FROM HELL!

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